ancient sage said, “man does not die, he
kills himself.” This is true in the case of most people. While it is true
that all must die sometime, yet very few live out the natural term of life.
records of every community contain the names of men who lived to a great age;
some of them lived to be over a hundred years old. But it is found in the case
of most these centenarians that they began to care for their health early in
men and women while young have good health and are strong physically. When
warned against doing things that injure the health, they scoff and say, “I am
young and strong; it will not hurt me to do this.” The God who rules the
universe has fixed a law that governs the actions of every man and woman.
“Whatever a man soweth,” He declares, “that shall he also reap.” The young
person who forms bad habits of living is sowing the seeds of disease in his
body, and it is an absolute certainty that sooner or later he will reap
who are reading this may have already passed the period of their youth and may
already be afflicted with disease. They will naturally ask. Since I have
neglected to carefully guard my health during the past years, is there any hope
that I may have long life? This will depend on how seriously the body has been
injured. But there is no one who cannot greatly lengthen the years of his/her
life is he/she will at once leave off all those habits that injure the health
and begin to practice those things that tend to promote long life. There are
many instances of men, forty or more years old with diseased bodies, who have
reformed their habits and lived to the age of seventy-five or eighty years.
To live Long a Man Must
be Temperate
is one of the essentials to long life. The lives of men and women who have
reached the century mark have been free
from excesses of all kinds. They have been temperate in eating and
drinking. They have also been mindful of the fact that the principles of
temperance apply also to the control of one’s passions as well as to the
control of appetite. Anger, envy, bitter
feelings, all have a harmful
influence upon the body and tend to shorten life.
Food for Long Life
vegetarian diet is best for promoting long life. Some hesitate to
give up flesh foods because they fear they may not get a balanced diet without
them. They are especially concerned about possible protein deficiency; but
actual tests and experience reveal that there will be no deficiency of protein
or any other essential element in a vegetarian diet provided that it includes a
wide variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts and unrefined grains.
to live a long life, it is necessary to eat moderately and regularly, and to
have daily elimination.
exercise is essential to live long. The body is like a machine; if the machine
is not used, it soon gets rusty; and everyone knows that a rusty machine very
easily breaks, if one does not exercise, the body becomes stiff. In the case of
old people, if they do not exercise, the body becomes so stiff in time that
they no longer can use the legs in walking. Some famous men who lived long made
it a practice through-out their lives to exercise daily, and even after they
had become very old they would take a walk daily in the fresh air.
mind should be exercised by reading and discussing important subjects. Elderly
people should engage in physical exercise as much as they can tolerate. This
keeps the circulation active in the brain and will help to prevent the onset of
mental deterioration.
The Basic Rules for
1. Be sure to have the
rooms you occupy well ventilated.
2. Seek out-of-doors
occupation and recreation.
3. Sleep out-of-door if you
4. Breathe deeply.
5. Avoid overeating.
6. Eat sparingly of meats
and highly spiced foods.
7. Eat slowly and chew
8. The bowels should be
evacuated daily.
9. Stand, sit and walk
10. Keep the teeth, gums and
tongue clean by brushing the teeth daily.
11. Follow principles of
sanitation to prevent disease-producing germs from entering the body.
12. Do not overwork. Rest
when you are fatigued. Sleep from seven to nine hours daily, according to your
13. Avoid anger and worry –
keep serene.
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